Turn white product
cards into beautiful
convincing banners
For dynamic advertising
on Facebook and Instagram
These banners variants were created
in less than 2 minutes
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How to Decrease App CPI with Creative Testing
Can creative's color or price placement affect app cost per install?
We share the results and explain the approach of process automation.
Crafting Facebook Ads 5 Days Ahead of Major Seasonal Launch
Adidas and Reebok wanted to find the best approach for Facebook promotion during Black Friday, so they turned to Aitarget Tech.
Most buyers in the US spend 5 to 10 minutes watching reviews before buying a product. We applied this trend and saw a positive impact on all KPIs.
Product Ratings in Dynamic Ads Increased Sales Efficiency by 19%
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Optimized process of creative
hypothesis testing with Aitarget
Tech decreased cost per install
50 000
Processed product
cards per month
Of time Joom saved
while making &
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Lower CPI
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Turn white product
cards into beautiful
convincing banners
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